Dear Parents,
We would like to inform you of a new character-development program that will be kicking off this February at Liberty called Bucket Filling.
Bucket filling is the concept that everyone has an invisible bucket and inside the bucket is where we hold our happy thoughts and feelings. When a person’s bucket is full it means they are happy and when it is empty the person is sad.
How can a student fill another student’s bucket? Students can fill their peers’ buckets by doing and saying nice things. For example, being considerate, caring, respectful, and saying thank you. However, students can dip into students’ buckets by being disrespectful, inconsiderate, or by not using their manners.
Starting in February, Liberty will be starting the Bucket Filling program. We will be encouraging bucket filling at school and at home. Each week teachers will be asked to provide tickets to the students who are consistently filling other students’ buckets. Those tickets will go into a weekly raffle for prizes. Liberty is excited about this program and looks forward to developing a more positive atmosphere.
Guidance Specialist, MSW